West Missions · 03. August 2021
"Franklin Graham" „Billy Graham Evangelistic Association“ BGEA “World Summit in Defence of Persecuted Christians” "Metropolitan Hilarion" "Russian Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists” RUECB “Russian Evangelical Alliance” "Joseph Biden" killer Syria "World Conference on Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue” Ukraine "North Korea" "William Yoder"
West Missions · 03. June 2020
"The Persecutor" "Edward Plowman" "Caroline Walker" Pallis "Forgive me Sergey" "Sergey Kourdakov" Kurdakov "Underground Evangelism" "Forgive me Natasha" "Joe Bass" "Albert Wardin" "Richard Wurmbrand" Kidd "A Rose for Sergei" lie "William Yoder"
West Missions · 25. May 2016
"Franklin Graham" "Bible commentary" "World Summit" Havana "Pope Francis" Crete Bartholomew Constantinople "Samaritan´s Purse" Hilarion "Roman Lunkin" Mokhnenko NATO BGEA "I read the Bible" Vlasenko "Synodal Bible" "William Yoder"
West Missions · 03. April 2016
"John MacArthur" "Catholicism is Satanic" "Pope Francis" "Servant of Satan" "Grace Community Church" "Rick Warren" "Andrei Kravtsev" "same-sex weddings" "Gennadi Sergienko" "Samara Center" Kolesnikow "Slavic Gospel Association" "Russian Baptists Union" "William Yoder"
West Missions · 09. November 2015
"Franklin Graham" Moscow RUECB Putin Kirill ROK Assad "Paul Cameron" "Scott Lively" "Mats-Ola Ishoel" anti-gay Shirinovsky "Pavel Begichev" "Yaroslav Nilov" "same-sex marriage" Cherenkov "Charles Stanley" Atlanta Hilarion "Ukrainian fascists" BRICS Pro-Family "Taras Dyatlik" "Samaritan´s Purse" "William Yoder"
West Missions · 16. September 2015
"Justus Walker" missionaries "Jolly Milkman" "senseless deeds of mercy" "church planting" "Bill Becknell" "William Yoder" "Agape Unlimited"
West Missions · 06. November 2013
"Paul Cameron" "Scott Lively" Putin "Moscow Patriarchy" "The Pink Swastika" Ryakhovsky "Mats Ola Ishoel" "World Congress of Families" Moscow "Christopher Stroop" "Alexander Ledyaev" "New Generation" "William Yoder"
West Missions · 25. July 2011
Homosexuality gay Russia "Sergey Ryakhovsky" "Associated Russian Union of Christians of Evangelical-Pentecostal Faith" ROSKhVE "Konstantin Bendas" "'For a Future without Homosexuality" "Nikolay Troitsky" homophobia "powerful bomb" "Satender Singh" Sacramento "Vlad Kusakin" "Darrel Steinberg" "Casey Sanchez" "Alexey Ledyaev" "New Generation" Riga "Scott Lively" "Watchmen on the Walls" "Kenneth Hutcherson" Seattle Latvia "The Pink Swastika" "Stephen Feinstein" "The New World Order" "R.J. Rushdoony
West Missions · 14. June 2010
Russia "Lanny Endicott" “Oral Roberts University” adoption adopt orphan demographic "William Yoder"
West Missions · 22. April 2010
"Small-plane aviation" Russia "Dwayne King" "General Aviation“ „Kingdom Air Corps" "Anatoly Danielov" "civial aviation" "Konstantin Rudoi" "between Alaska and Russia" “SOAR International” “MARC” "Missionary Aviation Repair Center" “Samaritan’s Purse” “Send International” Chabarovsk "William Yoder"